Name Index to "Sweets and Meats"
A cookbook published by the West Creighton
Avenue Christian Church of Fort Wayne, Ind., around 1926.
This index contains submitters of recipes, advertising
business proprietors, and the members of the men's Bible class.
This cookbook is at the Allen
County Public Library (977.202 F77WESC)
You may email me for lookups as well.
Aunt Fannie |
81 |
Aunt Fanny |
42,47,84 |
D. B. M. |
85 |
Daisy |
17 |
Fae M. |
98 |
Mrs. C. P. |
45 |
Mrs. I. M. B. |
43 |
Abshire, Eva |
45 |
Adams, C. F. |
83 |
Ahr, Charles (Mrs.) |
53,83 |
Ake, Elias |
50 |
Ake, Vera |
44,60 |
Ake, Vera D. |
62 |
Allgeier, Fred A. |
65 |
Ault, T. G. (Mrs.) |
54 |
Aurentz, A. C. |
63 |
Bahde, (Mrs.) |
53 |
Bair, (Mrs.) |
5,74 |
Balfour, Lex. |
50 |
Beck, Harry |
50 |
Benner, A. W. |
33 |
Benner, Myrtle G. (Mrs.) |
9 |
Bennett, J. F. |
31 |
Bennington, (Mrs.) |
23,30,63 |
Bergel, J. F. |
50 |
Bevelheimer, (Mrs.) |
98 |
Bevelheimer, C. M. (Mrs.) |
59,64,65 |
Blauvelt, Orley (Mrs.) |
48 |
Blum, Cora (Mrs.) |
51,80 |
Blum, E. |
89 |
Blum, E. F. |
50 |
Bockman, Herbert (Mrs.) |
56 |
Boutwell, Victor (Mrs.) |
27,54,71,93 |
Bowersock, R. T. |
50 |
Bowersock, Roscoe (Mrs.) |
40,45 |
Bowersock, Zelda |
38,87 |
Boyer, P. F. (Mrs.) |
81 |
Bradbury, (Mrs.) |
10,37 |
Bradbury, C. T. |
50 |
Braden, Jesse |
50 |
Brintzenhoff, Helen (Mrs.) |
16 |
Brooks, Elsie (Mrs.) |
5,19,26,40,41,44,46 |
Brown, Jonas |
50 |
Brownfield, Effie (Mrs.) |
6,43 |
Brubaker, Emery (Mrs.) |
79,80,86 |
Bruner, Myrtle (Mrs.) |
71 |
Bruner, Myrtle G. (Mrs.) |
36,63,64 |
Brunner, Harry |
50 |
Burk, G. T. (Mrs.) |
26 |
Burk, Vivian |
55 |
Burke, Mary |
29,30 |
Burnau, W. L. |
50 |
Burns, A. H. |
50 |
Byerly, Herbert |
50 |
Byerly, Jessie |
11,13 |
Cameron, (Mrs.) |
18,37 |
Cameron, N. (Mrs.) |
36 |
Cameron, Newton |
50 |
Carmer, J. M. |
60 |
Case, C. (Mrs.) |
43,44,58 |
Chaney, (Mrs.) |
52 |
Chupp, Elizabeth |
15 |
Cjameu, (Mrs.) |
57 |
Clapesattle |
8 |
Clapesattle, Helen |
23,80 |
Clapesattle, Lucille |
23,80 |
Clark, Hazel |
84 |
Clark, Hazel E. |
89 |
Clark, O. E. |
50 |
Clark, Sue F. |
39,47 |
Coblentz, (Mrs.) |
48 |
Coleman, (Mrs.) |
15,53,60,78 |
Conner, J. R. |
50 |
Conner, Virgil |
50 |
Cook, L. H. (Mrs.) |
17,22,54,77 |
Cook, Margaret |
29,62 |
Corwin, Beulah |
90,91 |
Corwin, Irene |
30 |
Coverdale, L. N. (Mrs.) |
38,43,65 |
Coverdale, Lem |
50 |
Crabb, Harry |
50 |
Crawford, Harry (Mrs.) |
24,61,63 |
Currant, Ollie (Mrs.) |
66 |
Current, Ollie (Mrs.) |
18,61 |
Cutshall, Frank H. |
84 |
Cutter, Carl |
50 |
Dannenfelser, C. W. |
84 |
David, Carrie (Mrs.) |
55 |
David, Lucy |
28 |
David, Lucy (Mrs.) |
52 |
David, S. (Mrs.) |
25,26,27 |
David, S. C. (Mrs.) |
78 |
Davidson, L. (Mrs.) |
20,65 |
Davidson, U. S. |
73 |
Davis, Minnie |
15,41 |
Dean, C. L. |
92 |
Decker, Eugene |
50 |
Decker, Florence (Mrs.) |
61 |
Deitschel, Louis |
13 |
Diehm, Dewey |
100 |
Diehm, Geo. J. (Mrs.) |
15 |
Downing, Eli |
96 |
Dreibelbiss, Olga |
27,62,68,77 |
Duff, Helen (Mrs.) |
6,83 |
Dunaway, J. F. |
50 |
Dygert, (Mrs.) |
9,22 |
Dygert, Cecil (Miss) |
76 |
Earl, Burwell |
50 |
Earl, G. B. |
100 |
Edmunds, (Mrs.) |
9,45,49,51,62 |
Ehle, Katherine |
11,74 |
Ehle, Lella |
15,21 |
Ehle, Oscar (Mrs.) |
28 |
Ehrman, C. E. (Mrs.) |
22 |
Ehrman, C. H. (Mrs.) |
74 |
Emerick, Mae (Mrs.) |
34,62 |
Emerick, Ralph (Mrs.) |
53 |
Emrick, Mae (Mrs.) |
31 |
Engeler, (Mrs.) |
9 |
Engeler, H. (Mrs.) |
11,19 |
English, Della |
58 |
Fann, T. M. (Mrs.) |
38,79 |
Fann, Thomas |
50 |
Faulkner, J. (Mrs.) |
30,70 |
Feighner, Chas. (Mrs.) |
82 |
Flickinger, I. C. (Mrs.) |
30 |
Flin, Jas. L. [sic] |
82 |
Flinn, James L. |
50,100 |
Flinn, Jas. L. (Mrs.) |
34,58,63,69 |
Forst, (Mrs.) |
29,32,52,54 |
Forst, L. (Mrs.) |
7,71,99 |
Forsyth, N. (Mrs.) |
27 |
Forsythe, N. (Mrs.) |
71 |
Foster, (Mrs.) |
29,39,40 |
Fowler, L. D. (Mrs.) |
58 |
Fralick, H. (Mrs.) |
12 |
Frank, C. H. |
33 |
Frey, Charles (Mrs.) |
58 |
Frost, Lawrence |
50 |
Fry, Jane |
24,89 |
Furnish, Silvia |
51,57,76 |
Gable, Florence (Mrs.) |
22,71 |
Gair, Geo. |
50 |
Gardner, Glenn |
50 |
Gardner, Glenn (Mrs.) |
18,70 |
Geiger, James R. |
50 |
Geiger, Velma Dot |
39 |
Gerding, (Miss) |
82 |
Gerding, Herman (Mrs.) |
15 |
Gillespie, (Mrs.) |
85 |
Gillespie, Ina (Mrs.) |
8,24,59,80,81,82 |
Good, M. U. |
50 |
Good, Miner V. (Mrs.) [sic] |
22,35,79 |
Gray, Wm. H. (Dr.) |
81 |
Greek, Glenn (Mrs.) |
69,78 |
Greek, Nila Jean |
36 |
Greider, I. E. (Mrs.) |
33,44 |
Greider, I. F. (Mrs.) |
56,59 |
Greider, Irvin |
50 |
Greider, J. E. |
50 |
Greider, Mary (Mrs.) |
49 |
Grime, L. S. |
33 |
Grove, R. V. (Mrs.) |
20 |
Gumbert, A. L. |
25 |
Hamilton, James (Mrs.) |
80 |
Hamilton, John (Mrs.) |
61,93 |
Hamilton, Mary |
41,75 |
Hardendorf, (Mrs.) |
19,93 |
Hardendorf, M. R. |
50 |
Hardendorf, M. R. (Mrs.) |
32 |
Hart, Albert |
50 |
Hartnup, G. E. |
50 |
Hartnup, Velma (Mrs.) |
78 |
Haycox, A. L. (Mrs.) |
7,19,20 |
Helm, W. F. |
50 |
Henline, W. B. (Mrs.) |
45,56 |
Henrichs, G. (Mrs.) |
15,32 |
Henry, Leona (Mrs.) |
51,56 |
Herrick, Hazel |
9,24 |
Herrick, R. D. |
50 |
Hickman, Edith |
41,69,77 |
Hickman, Frank |
50 |
Hiser, G. E. (Mrs.) |
61 |
Hite, Edith S. (Mrs.) |
31,59 |
Hitzeman, F. W. |
84 |
Hobbs, F. H. (Mrs.) |
73 |
Hobbs, Irvin (Mrs.) |
42 |
Hobe, G. (Mrs.) |
10 |
Hobe, George E. (Mrs.) |
37,38 |
Hoff, Chas. |
50 |
Hoff, Helen |
25 |
Hofman, Arthur A. (Mrs.) |
32 |
Hofman, Arthur H. (Mrs.) |
8,54 |
Hogan, H. G. |
58 |
Hoppe, R. W. |
63 |
Horstmeyer, Herman C. |
31 |
Houser, Minnie (Mrs.) |
15,42,68 |
Houser, Sam |
50 |
Houser, Viola (Miss) |
89 |
Howell, C. A. |
50 |
Howell, C. A. (Mrs.) |
37,49,51 |
Howell, Della |
22 |
Howell, Lydia (Mrs.) |
47 |
Howenstine, Chas. H. |
50 |
Howey, E. A. (Mrs.) |
80 |
Huey, Beatrice (Mrs.) |
86 |
Hume, A. |
50 |
Hunter, Donald |
18 |
Hurley, Nancy (Mrs.) |
55 |
Ihrig, (Mrs.) |
44,83 |
Ihrig, William |
50 |
Ihrig, Wm. W. |
32 |
Jackson, Oscar H. |
50 |
Jackson, Rudolph (Mrs.) |
83 |
Jackson, Ruth |
26 |
Jackson, Vesta |
12,22 |
Jacobs, Viola (Mrs.) |
12 |
James, Jerry |
39 |
James, Walter (Mrs.) |
53,62 |
Jefferies, Wm. (Mrs.) |
35 |
Jefferies, Wm. C. (Mrs.) |
12,59 |
Jester, (Mrs.) |
60 |
Johnson, E. R. (Mrs.) |
11 |
Johnson, Harry (Mrs.) |
42,72,73 |
Johnson, May (Mrs.) |
47 |
Jones, Addie (Mrs.) |
82 |
Jones, Delina |
44 |
Jurgensen, F. K. |
84 |
Keller, Bob |
31 |
Keller, Bob (Mrs.) |
93 |
Keller, Herbert |
50 |
Keller, Marvel |
93 |
Keller, Robert |
50 |
Kelley, E. R. (Mrs.) |
20,30 |
Kelsey, A. R. |
50 |
Kelsey, Arthur (Mrs.) |
65 |
Kern, Charles (Mrs.) |
10 |
Kern, John (Mrs.) |
77 |
Kiel, Arthur F. |
67 |
Kintz, Gladys |
6,12,13,74 |
Kirtley, H. D. (Mrs.) |
55 |
Kiser, Marie |
40 |
Klein, (Mrs.) |
26 |
Kline, Mable (Mrs.) |
78 |
Klingel, C. E. |
50 |
Knisely, Claud (Mrs.) |
62,66 |
Knowlton, Alfred |
50 |
Knowlton, Mary (Mrs.) |
18,36 |
Koegel, J. C. |
5 |
Kohr, Mary |
86 |
Kohr, Mary L. |
32,82,87,89 |
Kohr, N. (Mrs.) |
20,66,82 |
Kranichfeldt, Emma (Mrs.) |
99 |
Kropp, Beatrice |
61 |
Kruge, Cecil |
5,32 |
Lawrence, Arthur (Mrs.) |
60 |
Leyhauf, Henry N. |
76 |
Likins, Alice |
62 |
Likins, V. L. |
50 |
Lindenberg, C. W. |
84 |
Long, Frances |
22,26 |
Lyons, James (Mrs.) |
58 |
Mackin, Owen |
50 |
Mackin, Owen (Mrs.) |
77,80 |
Major, Eva |
98 |
Major, James |
50 |
Major, James A. |
42 |
Majors, Eva |
29 |
Majors, James (Mrs.) |
46,54 |
Mannweiler, (Mrs.) |
42 |
Mannweiler, A. C. |
57 |
Mannweiler, Pauline |
85 |
Maring, Ellen (Mrs.) |
80 |
Marshall, Thomas R. (Mrs.) |
63 |
Martz, Robert (Mrs.) |
17 |
Mawson, Mary |
18,37,51,66,72 |
Mayland, Mabel |
60 |
Mayland, Mable |
36 |
McCollister, (Mrs.) |
54 |
McCormick, Fred J. |
50 |
McGee, T. L. (Mrs.) |
7,8,54 |
McKenzie, Dan (Mrs.) |
59 |
McNeal, Robert |
50 |
McVay, E. O. |
50 |
McVay, Ralph |
50 |
McVay, Ralph (Mrs.) |
43 |
Meeks, (Mrs.) |
5 |
Meeks, William (Mrs.) |
18 |
Mentzer, C. P. |
50 |
Menzie, Henry (Mrs.) [sic] |
71 |
Menzie, Henry [sic] |
5 |
Menzter |
36 |
Merchant, B. L. (Mrs.) |
24,46,79 |
Merchant, Daisy (Mrs.) |
93 |
Merchant, Daisy [see ~ at top of index] |
39 |
Merchant, Daisy Beryl |
90 |
Merchant, W. F. |
14,50,70 |
Merkert, Paul |
50 |
Meyers, T. E. |
50 |
Miller, C. |
16 |
Miller, Cyrus |
50 |
Miller, Edwin |
50 |
Miller, H. L. (Mrs.) |
28,30,69 |
Miller, H. L. (Rev.) |
cover |
Miller, H. S. (Mrs.) |
16 |
Miller, Harvey D. |
50 |
Miller, Henry C. |
27 |
Miller, J. B. (Mrs.) |
52 |
Mills, Hortense (Mrs.) |
52 |
Mitten, F. |
50 |
Mock, Edna (Mrs.) |
6,76,82,89 |
Mock, T. F. |
50 |
Moeller, Wm. (Mrs.) |
34 |
Moffett |
6,56,64,77 |
Moffett, Frank |
50 |
Moffett, Frank (Mrs.) |
34 |
Moore, Letha |
18,56,87 |
Moore, Letha (Mrs.) |
51 |
Morris, Stephen |
84 |
Morton, (Mrs.) |
57 |
Mumma, (Mrs.) |
34,39,47 |
Mungovan, Frank |
75 |
Myers, Ida (Mrs.) |
78 |
Myers, T. E. (Mrs.) |
7,8,45,56,99 |
Neith, Charles (Mrs.) |
36,48 |
Ogelsby, Horace (Mrs.) |
27,32,55 |
O'Rourke, Charlotte |
79 |
Orr, (Mrs.) |
61,65 |
Orr, C. R. |
50 |
Overly, Pearl (Mrs.) |
87 |
Page, Frank |
50 |
Page, Frank (Mrs.) |
17,56 |
Park, (Mrs.) |
5,17,74 |
Park, Marcus B. |
50 |
Park, Pauline (Miss) |
88 |
Park, Pauline (Mrs.) |
89 |
Paul, Henry C. |
84 |
Philley, Virginia (Mrs.) |
85 |
Pierson, June (Mrs.) |
51 |
Place, Alva J. |
50 |
Platt, Roscoe |
50 |
Powers, Verna |
54,68 |
Quackenbush, H. C. |
85 |
Quinn, May (Mrs.) |
53,55,56 |
Ramsey, D. D. (Mrs.) |
49,84,92 |
Ramsey, W. C. |
40 |
Rapp, Elsie |
77 |
Rapp, Elsie (Mrs.) |
49,52,65 |
Regelien, Emma (Miss) |
10 |
Reinkensmeir, P. H. |
29 |
Reithmiller, H. F. |
14 |
Reithmiller, Hazel (Mrs.) |
7,16,21,33,34,39,48,64,67,83,92 |
Richey, Amos |
84 |
Rife, E. A. (Mrs.) |
52,60 |
Rippe, Roy (Mrs.) |
26 |
Rippe, Wanda |
25,41 |
Robinson, Nora (Mrs.) |
20 |
Roop, R. E. (Mrs.) |
70 |
Rudig, Victor |
50 |
Rudig, Victor (Mrs.) |
75 |
Ruhl, J. E. |
58 |
Russell, T. E. |
65 |
Sale, Ruth |
28,42 |
Sander, (Mrs.) |
6,11,40,59,75,93 |
Sander, William (Mrs.) |
34,58,68 |
Sander, Wm. (Mrs.) |
69,85 |
Sandmeyer, (Mrs.) |
82 |
Saylor, Julia |
80 |
Schaaf, Mabel |
30,31,49 |
Schaefer, C. |
9 |
Schlie, Neola (Mrs.) |
12,15 |
Schoeps, (Mrs.) |
79 |
Schust, C. L. |
30 |
Schwab, (Mrs.) |
65 |
Schwab, Carl (Mrs.) |
84 |
Schwab, Robert |
15 |
Scott, Conrad W. |
50 |
Shady, (Mrs.) |
24,36 |
Shady, Victory |
44 |
Shambaugh, R. G. |
87 |
Shannon, Grover (Mrs.) |
34 |
Shull, (Mrs.) |
39 |
Shull, O. E. (Mrs.) |
11,28,60 |
Shultz, Harry |
50 |
Shultz, Harry (Mrs.) |
87,88 |
Sites, Laura |
45,53,56,78 |
Smith, L. C. (Mrs.) |
42,47,53 |
Smith, Leonard |
50 |
Smith, Wilbur |
50 |
Snyder, Peter |
50 |
Socall, Gustie (Mrs.) |
55 |
Soshea, Harry (Mrs.) |
22,71 |
Speaker, E. |
29 |
Speaker, F. H. |
50 |
Speaker, F. H. (Mrs.) |
55,86 |
Speaker, T. H. (Mrs.) |
71 |
Spiegel, W. H. |
42 |
Stark, M. Ralph (DDS) |
28 |
Steinbarger, Chester |
50 |
Steinbrunner, D. E. |
19 |
Steiner, M. L. |
102 |
Stiles, Bryant B. |
50 |
Stine, Kenneth (Mrs.) |
42 |
Stinebarger, Inez |
45,67 |
Stough, Carl (Mrs.) |
16,66 |
Straub, G. A. (Mrs.) |
38,51,60 |
Straub, L. A. |
50 |
Stults, Emery (Mrs.) |
67 |
Stultz, Emery E. |
50 |
Subkoskie, Gertrude |
24,90 |
Sweet, George A. |
64 |
Sweet, Kent |
cover |
Tackett, Paul A. |
50 |
Teeters, H. E. (Mrs.) |
9 |
Teeters, Harvey |
50 |
Teeters, Thelma |
52 |
Thavenet, Alice (Mrs.) |
5,16,20,66 |
Thiem, John |
50 |
Thieme, John (Mrs.) |
62,63 |
Thomas, J. A. (Mrs.) |
81 |
Thomas, J. B. (Mrs.) |
59,66 |
Thomas, James (Mrs.) |
75 |
Thomas, John |
50 |
Thornton, W. E. (Mrs.) |
7,27 |
Thrasher, M. H. (Mrs.) |
13 |
Thurber, Everett |
50 |
Trautman, Mae (Miss) |
68 |
Trick, G. M. |
50 |
Twietmeyer, G. L. |
33 |
Twietmeyer, G. L. (Mrs.) |
57 |
Underhill, Ruth |
11,12,31,33,68 |
Underwood, (Mrs.) |
8,39 |
Underwood, E. H. (M.D.) |
37 |
Van Camp, (Mrs.) |
13,52,67 |
Van Camp, L. (Mrs.) |
69 |
Van Camp, L. A. (Mrs.) |
82 |
Veith, (Mrs.) |
26 |
Voors, J. J. |
19 |
Wake, Myron |
50 |
Walden, Dane B. (Mrs.) |
43,44 |
Warner, Claud E. |
50 |
Wasson, Nellie |
27 |
Weaver, H. G. (Mrs.) |
8,12,48 |
Weirich, Charles I. |
40 |
Welborn, (Mrs.) |
13,24,26,31,67,70 |
Welborn, L. E. |
50 |
Welborn, Victoria (Mrs.) |
31 |
Welch, H. J. |
49 |
Wharton, Theresa |
46 |
Wharton, Tressa |
53,56 |
White, John R. (DDS) |
66 |
Wiggins, H. L. |
37 |
Wilcoxsin, Floyd (Mrs.) |
46 |
Wilcoxsin, Irma |
49 |
Wilcoxson, Ardola |
90,91 |
Wilcoxson, J. C. (Mrs.) |
33 |
Wilcoxson, Jacob |
50 |
Willson, Clinton R. |
7 |
Witte, Elmer |
50 |
Witte, Elmer (Mrs.) |
76 |
Woebbeking, E. |
17 |
Wood, Edgar (Mrs.) |
44,67 |
Wood, Edith (Mrs.) |
90 |
Woods, Edgar L. |
50 |
Woods, Edith (Mrs.) |
63 |
Wooley, J. C. |
5 |
Workman, Harry |
50 |
Wormington, E. L. |
50 |
Yager, Elaine (Mrs.) |
24,30 |
Yarian, Earl E. |
50 |
Zuahlen, H. (Mrs.) [sic] |
55 |
Zumbro, Harry |
75 |
Zwahlen, (Mrs.) |
71 |
Zwahlen, Harry |
50 |
Zwahlen, Harry (Mrs.) |
61 |